D4. Documentation

User Documentation:

  • To effectively employ the Kalman Filter integration in our app, which maps a 3D output of a patient’s processed neurological structure, please follow these guidelines:
  • Device Compatibility:
    • Ensure you are using an iPhone model (iPhone 6s or higher) that supports the necessary hardware and software capabilities. This application is compatible with iPhone 6s and above models. These models have the required sensors and processing power to accurately capture and process data.
  • Lighting Conditions:
    • Operate the app in well-lit environments. Good lighting is crucial for the app to accurately capture data. Low light conditions can lead to less accurate readings, as the sensors rely heavily on visual inputs to track movements and map structures.
  • Application Setup:
    • Before starting the app, check that your iPhone’s sensors are functioning correctly. You can do this through the iPhone’s built-in diagnostics tools.
    • Position the iPhone so that it has a clear, unobstructed view of the area you wish to map. This ensures that the app can accurately capture the necessary data.
  • Using the Kalman Filter:
    • The Kalman Filter is used to process the accelerometer data from the iPhone. This data is key to mapping the neurological structure with precision.
    • As you use the app, the filter will continuously update its calculations based on the incoming data. This process helps in smoothing out any inaccuracies or noise in the raw data.
  • Data Processing:
    • After capturing the data, the app processes it to create a 3D map of the neurological structure. The Kalman Filter plays a critical role in ensuring this data is as accurate as possible.
    • The processed data will be more reliable if the initial conditions mentioned above (device compatibility and lighting conditions) are met.
  • Reviewing the Output:
    • Once the processing is complete, the app will display a 3D output of the neurological structure.
    • Review the output carefully. If any part of the structure appears distorted or unclear, consider re-taking the measurements, ensuring that all the guidelines are followed more closely.
  • Continuous Improvement:
    • Regular updates to the app may include enhancements to the Kalman Filter integration, so keep your app updated to the latest version for optimal performance.
  • By adhering to these guidelines, you can maximize the accuracy and reliability of the 3D neurological structure mapping in our app, leveraging the advanced capabilities of your iPhone and the sophisticated data processing of the Kalman Filter.

Potential Concerns:

  • Under low texture environment, the ARKit may not pick up any features, or pick up a low count of features.
  • Under 50Hz light source, it has the flickering cube issue.