Team Rules

Team expectations

  1. Respect each other’s time, don’t be late
  2. Attend all the meetings weekly including coach, team, and group meetings. If a team member can not make it, it must be communicated
  3. Any conflict or missed personal deadline is to be communicated to the entire group
  4. Respond to each other within a day
  5. Respect each individual’s ideas, always be open-minded and accepting of criticism
  6. Make sure everyone is on the same page, ensure that everyone understands whats going on
  7. Work on all presentations together, everyone must participate in the final product

Software expectations

  1. Everyone on the team will use Github as their version control
  2. Pull requests has to be approved by at least 1 member before a merge
  3. Update others on progress of their work and what timelines look like
  4. Maintain well-documented and readable code
  5. Use Github branches when developing individually
  6. Practice pair-programming when working on the Apple Watches
  7. Ensure that everyone is using the same version of Git and all software versions are universal
  8. All devices must be able to run Swift code and/or use SwiftUi