Hand-Off Plan

We will schedule to meet with the client during the final week of classes to deliver all the code and game assets that are needed to continue development. We will also use this time to make sure the client has a full understanding of the tools we used and address any questions they may have.

Video Tutorials

We will create a video describing how to set up the local environment. We will describe installing Godot, cloning the project, and opening and running the project.

We will also have a code walkthrough video where we explain our code implementations, walk through the UI, and explain main features.

Technical Details

Cyberland is a standalone game application.the only things required to develop and run is the Godot game engine software. The application owner is our client. The users will be any high school students that wish to learn about cyberbullying.

Required Software

  1. Install Git
  2. Install Godot

How to Access Project / Set Up Locally

  1. Clone the GitHub repository at: https://github.com/mariana-perezh/cyberland-godot
  2. Open Godot and select “Import”.
  3. Click “Browse” and find the file location of your repository.
  4. Click “Import and Edit”.
  5. You should now be able to view and edit the code

Transfer Game Assets

  1. Created images, backgrounds, and other assets will be transferred to the client.