Team Rules

  1. Keep Tuesdays 12:30 – 2pm open for meetings.
  2. Respond to messages within 24 hours.
    • Main Media: email, group text
  3. If a team member will be late or cannot attend a meeting, notify ASAP, preferably at least 24 hours in advance.
    • If a team member cannot attend a meeting, they should send a progress update in advance and read meeting notes afterward.
  4. Update regularly regarding task progress and timeline.
  5. All team members should be transparent about what they’re currently working on to avoid multiple team members creating the same feature.

Coding Practices

  1. Create modules, classes, functions, variables, etc. with meaningful names.
  2. Create docstrings for complex functions.
  3. Keep pull requests small (preferably <200 lines).
  4. All pull requests should have at least one approval by another team member before merging.
  5. Always following existing naming conventions from the rest of the codebase for variables, methods, classes, file names, etc.
    • If a team member wishes to refactor to a new system, discuss with the rest of the team first.