Documentation Plan

User Documentation:

The users of our app are professors and other professional instructors in the engineering field, including professors in the Applied Sciences department here at UNC Chapel Hill. Our users tend to have a high technological skill level as they regularly handle technology in their work. They should be familiar with using a web app on a mobile or desktop device.In the documentation we create for our users, we will focus on instructing users how to use the home page of the app. This includes instructions on using the search bar, filtering or sorting cards, and selecting an activity card to view more details.

Our users will be able to view a simple tutorial that will guide them through using the application. We will focus on making this guide readable and easy to quickly skim. The user documentation may also include specific examples on how to clarify your search and filter results on the home page. We will also include a form of contact for users to be able to reach the administrator with questions, concerns, and suggestions.

Administrator Documentation:

Our admin documentation will be focused on our GitHub ReadMe as well as a PDF document we share with the client and administrators.

We assume that the admin will know more than the user about the technicalities of the application but not at the level of a developer of the application. We will make sure that the admin can access the code repository and make changes as needed.

For our admin documentation we will record demos of the running application in addition to the README resources for the admin that explains how to maintain the system.The documentation will exist as both a written user manual and tutorial videos showing/explaining the more complex features/functionality of the application.