Team Rules and Roles

Team Rules

Team Behavior

Respect each other.

Maintain proper communication and notify teammates when we will be late to a meeting or when we will not be able to attend a meeting.

Respond to group chat as soon as possible for updates.

Notify members when code is updated or revised to keep communication.

Comment as much as possible to ensure that other team members can read and understand code written clearly.

Coding Practices

Maintain linting standards

Maintain TypeScript coding standards (

Don’t keep files checked out for too long, or communicate with team if keeping them checked out for extended period of time

Before files are checked in, ensure they work with the current updated state of the app

Team Roles

  • Brenna- Client Manager, Frontend
  • Maya- Project Manager, Frontend
  • Mohamed- Automation, Backend
  • Stefano- Backend Lead, Firebase Lead