Coach Meeting 9/15/2023

  • Went over current progress and user stories
  • Created goals to accomplish by next meeting
  • Tips from coach on how to communicate with the client:
    • Ask client what they DON’T want
    • Restate to client how you interpret their requests
    • Make it easy for clients to respond to you (short emails, numerate questions, etc.)

Client Meeting 9/14/2023

  • Client: Taylor, former athlete and coach turned fan
  • Game involves timed trivia questions, played in arenas or at home, integrated with jumbotrons and accessible online
  • Client envisions eventually adding an elimination mode and expanding beyond sports to include music and other industries
  • Project divided into backend and frontend sections, mainly because the client wanted someone to administer questions. Having two apps isn’t mandatory, but she believes it could help with organization and integrity. Final structure is up to us, however
  • Client likes the current user interface (UI) but wants to change colors based on the teams playing. The app’s skin should match the team’s colors after selecting a team
  • Client emphasized the need for a prototype to show to potential investors and the importance of a visually appealing UI

Team Meeting 9/12/2023: Understand Existing Code and Project Requirements


  • Figuring out existing application architecture
  • Identifying points of confusion in application
    • What services exist?
    • What do each service do?
      • Reward service
        • How are rewards given?
        • How are recipients determined?


  • Wrote down questions to ask client for further clarification
  • Wrote down questions to ask coach to understand best approaches
    • Implementation
      • Is it best to stick with Firebase for our project, or switch to another database?
    • Architecture
      • Should we use an n-tier architecture of microservice architecture?
        • Microservice architecture seems easier since we have to merge functionality from two repositories. Might be easier to divide things into different services to make collaboration easier