
User Stories

As a student, I want the system to provide clear instructions and guidance throughout the PRP exam process, including how to register, upload my research paper, and schedule my presentation, so that I can easily navigate and complete each step successfully.

As a student, I want to be able to schedule my presentation time online, choosing from available time slots, so that I can select a time that works best for me and my schedule.

As a student, I want to be able to update my personal information (such as contact details or academic program) on my profile page, so that my information is always current and accurate for the PRP exam administration.

As a faculty member, I want to search for students by name so that I can find their profiles and the relevant information for their exam, all in one place.

As a faculty member, I want to receive notifications when students upload their research papers, so that I can review them in a timely manner and provide feedback as needed.

As a faculty member, I want to be able to view a calendar of upcoming PRP exam events and deadlines, so that I can plan my schedule accordingly and ensure I am available for important exam-related activities.




  • Student inputs data from their classes, personal data like contact info, etc., shows up on profile – Definite
  • Student uploads waiver/deferment form, faculty are able to view this for each student – Definite
  • Student uploads their paper, shows up on profile – Definite
  • Student chooses a time to schedule their presentation, faculty are able to view this for each student – Definite
  • Faculty inputs a student’s name into search, sees their profile – Definite


  • Instructions for registering and other information about PRP exam process – Definite
  • Calendar of deadlines for student (when to register, report alternative of the exam, presentation) – Definite
  • Ability to be run on any web browser – Definite
  • Constraint of not being able to share faculty/department-level information to students – Definite
  • Calendar of deadlines for faculty (when to appear for presentations, waiver talks) – Perhaps
  • Notifications for faculty (“student x has uploaded their paper”) – Perhaps
  • Incorporate calendar with Google calendar – Perhaps
  • Notifications for student (“you can now schedule a presentation”) – Improbable


This web app will have a separate GUI for faculty and students. The opening page will be a login page to determine which one the visitor is before leading to the homepage. This page will ideally contain multiple parts including a calendar, some type of “register for test” button, perhaps a notification feed, and definitely a profile button.