Our Project

Installation instructions
Demo video
Cross-platform program that calculates head circumference from MRI data (.nii, .nii.gz, .nrrd).


The measurement of head circumference is an important part of biomedical research; in particular, such data can be applied to studies that attempt to predict ASD early. In the past, however, researchers measured head circumference by hand with tape rulers, which was inaccurate and imprecise. A previous tool instead computed head circumference more systematically from MRI images, but the tool no longer runs correctly. Our aim is to fix and improve the Head Circumference Tool.

Our users are primarily biomedical researchers or students who require a “point-and-click,” simple GUI interface. They will be able to modify settings, choose one 3D image at a time to work on, rotate its orientation, and compute its head circumference. A few users will have developer experience and will instead interface with the tool through the command line to process a batch of images at a time.

By using our tool, users will receive output that contains a text file with head circumference measurements and a log of user choices in an easily parsable format (i.e. JSON). Thus, users will have a chance to copy or adjust a single measurement by modifying the choices and parameters they inputted.