1. What is the purpose of the Marketing Question Answering Recommendation Engine?

Our engine is designed to provide precise, data-driven answers to user-submitted marketing questions. It harnesses a vast database of scrapped data and uses 23 key labels as keywords to deliver insightful, relevant responses to various marketing queries.

  1. How should questions be formatted for the best results?

Questions should be clear, concise, and include one or more of the 23 labels recognized by our system as keywords. These labels are central to guiding the engine’s search and analysis process, leading to more accurate answers.

  1. What formats are accepted for uploading questions?

Users can upload their questions in plain text (.txt) or CSV (.csv) format. The questions should be formatted as a list, with each question on a new line or row, depending on the file type used.

  1. Can I upload questions in languages other than English?

Currently, our recommendation engine is optimized for questions submitted in English to ensure the highest level of accuracy in the answers provided.

  1. How does the engine handle ambiguous or unclear questions?

The engine uses natural language processing to interpret the questions, but clarity is crucial. Ambiguous questions may yield less precise answers. We recommend users follow the guidance on question formulation provided in the input file tutorial.

  1. Is there a limit to the number of questions I can submit at one time?

There is no set limit to the number of questions; however, for optimal performance and faster processing, we suggest limiting each upload to a manageable number of questions.

  1. What happens if a question doesn’t contain one of the 23 labels?

Questions without the specified labels may not return as targeted results as those that include them. The labels act as a guide for the engine to provide the most relevant data-driven answers.

  1. How long does it take to receive an answer after submitting a question?

The processing time can vary depending on the complexity of the question and the current load on our system. However, our engine is designed to deliver answers promptly, often within seconds.

  1. Can the recommendation engine provide predictive market analysis?

Yes, when provided with questions about market trends or consumer behavior, the engine can analyze the data and offer predictive insights.

  1. What should I do if I encounter issues or have questions about using the engine?

We provide a comprehensive support system for our users. If you encounter any issues or have questions, you can consult our FAQ section, access our online resources, or reach out to our dedicated support team for assistance.

  1. Is there a way to improve the accuracy of the answers provided by the engine?

Yes, the accuracy can be improved by refining the questions using the labels more strategically and providing additional context where possible.

  1. How is the privacy of my uploaded data ensured?

We take data privacy seriously. All uploaded data is processed securely, and we have measures in place to ensure that your information is handled in accordance with the highest standards of privacy and security.

Remember to update your FAQ session periodically to reflect new features, improvements, and to address common user inquiries as your engine evolves.