D1. Specifications

User Stories:

  • As a CXO, I want to leverage the AI capabilities of Kinetik to execute aggressive growth strategies, ensuring that my organization stays ahead in an ever-evolving market.
  • As a business strategist, I want the AI recommendation engine to provide actionable insights based on our go-to-market model so that I can refine our strategic direction and anticipate future trends.
  • As a sales operations head, I want to visualize how various market strategies affect our sales pipeline, enabling me to fine-tune our sales approach based on Kinetik’s predictive analysis.
  • As a marketing executive, I want to integrate the latest best practices from Kinetik’s extensive use case database, ensuring that our marketing efforts are both innovative and effective.
  • As a data scientist, I want to utilize Kinetik to categorize and tag use cases automatically, allowing me to focus on more complex analytical tasks.
  • As a business analyst, I want to simulate various go-to-market strategies using Kinetik’s advanced analytics, enabling me to present a range of viable business scenarios to our executive team.



The interface was developed by Group 523 from the previous term. Our primary focus will be on backend development.

  • Definite:
    • API Scraping: Utilizing scraping APIs to extract data from designated websites and subsequently compile this information into a structured database.
    • Natural Language Processing: Introducing an NLP model can identify and categorize sales and marketing challenges, best practices, and optimization techniques, further enhancing the platform’s analytical capabilities.
    • Seamless Integration with AWS: Ensure smooth deployment by facilitating the publishing of code directly to AWS from GitHub.
  • Perhaps:
    • Enhanced Security: Implement a secure login system using Amazon Cognito, offering users the ability to create accounts, log in/out, and reset passwords.
    • Dynamic Sliders: Integrate sliders that allow users to adjust input variables. This real-time modification provides users with the ability to experiment and observe immediate impacts.
  • Improbable:
    • Multilingual Support: While currently improbable, as the platform grows, offering multilingual compatibility can expand its user base and cater to a global audience.


  • Definite
    • User interface should be intuitive, enabling non-technical users to navigate and operate the platform without difficulty.
    • Clear documentation should be available, detailing software functionality.
    • Code should be maintainable.
  • Perhaps
    • Develop a modular system, allowing for potential expansion or integration of additional functionalities in the future.
    • Recruit technical mentors (Data Science, Statistics / Monte Carlo, AWS).
  • Improbable
    • Multilingual compatibility.
    • Input Warning: Users being informed and possibly prevented from inputting sensitive or personal information into the historical data templates.