Testing Documentation

Introduction This document outlines the testing procedures to validate the backend functionality of the Marketing Question Answering Recommendation Engine. The testing focuses on the accuracy and reliability of the engine in generating answers that match the expected outcomes as defined by a set of predefined labels and answers.

Objective To ensure that the recommendation engine correctly interprets the labels from user questions and accurately matches them to the corresponding predefined answers.

Testing Scope

  • Answer Accuracy: Verifying that the engine’s answers are correct per the supplied CSV file.
  • Label Matching: Checking the engine’s ability to correctly associate questions with the appropriate labels.
  • Performance: Measuring the response time and resource usage of the backend under various load conditions.
  • Security: Ensuring that API endpoints are secure and data processing complies with relevant data protection regulations.

Test Environment Setup

  • Ensure the backend is deployed in a controlled test environment that mimics the production settings.
  • Configure the test environment with access to a version-controlled copy of the CSV file.
  • Establish monitoring and logging tools to capture test results and system behavior.

Test Data Preparation

  • Extract labels and corresponding answers from the CSV file.
  • Create a diverse set of test questions that incorporate the labels in different contexts.
  • Ensure the test data covers all labels and includes variations to test the robustness of the NLP model.

Automated Test Cases Develop automated test scripts to:

  1. Submit Questions and Verify Answers
    • Send questions to the backend and compare the received answers against the expected answers from the CSV file.
    • Log discrepancies and measure the accuracy rate.
  2. Load Testing
    • Simulate a high number of concurrent questions to assess the performance of the backend.
    • Record response times and system behavior under load.
  3. Security Testing
    • Perform automated vulnerability scans against the backend endpoints.
    • Test for SQL injection, XSS, and other common security threats.

Manual Testing Conduct manual testing to:

  • Validate the user experience of submitting questions and receiving answers.
  • Test backend functionalities that cannot be automated, such as specific security checks.

Regression Testing Regularly run the full suite of tests to ensure that:

  • New code changes do not break existing functionality.
  • The system remains stable and accurate over time.

Test Reporting Document all test results, including:

  • A summary of passed and failed tests.
  • Detailed logs of any issues found.
  • Recommendations for improvements based on test outcomes.

Issue Tracking

  • Utilize a bug tracking system to log and manage any defects found.
  • Prioritize issues based on severity and impact.

Test Plan Maintenance

  • Update the test plan and scripts as new features are added to the backend.
  • Incorporate feedback from previous testing cycles to enhance the testing process.