D5. Hand-Off Plan

Hand-Off Plan

We intend to give our client our github repository, set-up and installation instructions on launching the application, and other documentation such as the client manual. The client will be added as a collaborator to the repository and the ownership of the repository will be transferred, which means that as a collaborator, they will have access to edit the entire project and the ability to add new collaborators to the project for any future team if they were to take over the project. 

In addition to these resources, we will discuss future plans with the client and their ideas on continuing the project for future semesters and propose ways to launch the app on app stores. Since some of the software and tools we used require a time-consuming and technical heavy background, we plan on setting up a hand-off appointment with the client to install the project into their environment and make sure they have it running properly.

As of right now, there are no costs for the client, but this could change with the addition of using an API to retrieve menu data automatically and with plans of launching the app on app stores. These costs will be discussed and made aware to the client if they wish to proceed in the future.

Important Links:
Hand-off Video
Installation, Set-Up, and Launching Guide