Team Rules

Team Behaviors:
  • Treat everyone and their ideas with respect. 
  • Communicate in a timely manner (within 12 hours) through SMS.
  • If communicating with the client or team coach, do so via email.
  • Email responses from team members to client or team coach will be within 24 hours of receiving.
  • Team meetings will be mandatory and weekly with the team coach to ensure team cohesiveness.
  • Give notice of absences at least 24 hours in advance (via email to the client or coach).
  • If unable to attend team meeting, email a brief summary of your progress which you would have discussed in the meeting.
Deliverables Expectations:
  • Meet deadlines to the best of your ability.
  • Remain focused on the client’s requests and final product.
  • Ask for help or clarification early.
  • Give notice of late deadlines to teammates as soon as possible.
  • Update team members with progress frequently.
Coding Practices:
  • Properly document all code with descriptive comments
  • Make sure code is easy to understand and follow
  • Verify that code compiles and runs properly before pushing code edits to Github
  • Make meaningful commits with clear commit messages
  • Notify the Tech Lead of code discrepancies 
  • All team members must create their own branch before committing new code to Github.