D4. User & Admin Manuals

User Documentation
  • Who are our users?
    1. People with allergies
    2. Restaurant owners who want to be more accommodating of those with allergies
  • Public Documentation
    1. People with allergies:
      • Help Screen: On our settings screen, we will provide a ‘Help’ section where a user will be able to read a ‘How-to’ guide of navigating through our application
      • There will be a FAQ section at the end of the Help Screen which will cover the most common and basic questions a user may have
      • The Help Screen will also be accessible from the Log-in/Registration page in case users need help creating an account
    2. Restaurant Owner Documentation
      • Help Screen: On our settings screen, we will provide a ‘Help’ section where restaurant owners will be able to get information on how to add their restaurant to the SafeEats application, as well as how to add menu items/allergens to their restaurant.
Admin Documentation
  • Who is our admin?
    • The admin documentation is meant for our client and any potential future developers should our client decide to make this an ongoing project. 
  • Documentation
    • Client Manual
      • Installation and setup of the environment to launch application
      • Location and access of application and database
      • Technologies used throughout the process of developing the app
    • ReadMe files
      • The Client will receive information about what we had accomplished (what the code means) as well as plans for the application we had set up, but did not get to finish
    • Code comments
      • Code comments will be included throughout the code to give a description for what each section of code does, for readability for any potential future developers
      • Each file will contain a statement elaborating on what the file’s purpose is