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Buckner Heavylift, a leader in crane operations, places high importance on continuous training for its employees, recognizing it as crucial for maintaining safety standards and competitive edge. However, the effectiveness of its training program is currently hindered by an outdated training website that’s difficult to navigate.

Acknowledging the need for improvement, Buckner plans to overhaul the website, keeping the essential training content but enhancing the user experience with a streamlined interface. Buckner has a Salesforce database that stores all their users and their certifications. This new site will feature SalesforceAPI for easier access, a clear dashboard showing required courses for the quarter, and a dashboard that lets you see user certifications.

Users can easily log in, and check what certifications they have or supervisors can easily check what certifications their employees have. It will also show the certification’s expiration date so people will know when they have to retake the certification.

By simplifying the viewing process, the new website aims to improve compliance with training requirements, contributing to a safer, more efficient workforce. It will allow the company to more easily and quickly assign specific tasks and make sure everyone is safely trained to do that task. This step reflects Buckner Heavylift’s commitment to excellence, and continuous improvement in professional development.