D3: Test Plan

If we had all the time that we really need.

  • Unit Testing:
    • One of the unit test should make sure that appropriate code is run for the appropriate system that the application is being ran on.
    • We want to make sure that any image gets formatted to the correct dimensions to fit within card slide.
    • We Would make sure that hand tracking coordinates don’t get messed up when establishing starter points that within close distance from each other.
    • Which ever images are read into the application, we want to have some sort of algorithm that would evaluate the image and give it a score to rate if its appropriate.
  • Integration Testing & System testing:
    • We would validate that all controllers and input devices work with our system.
  • Description of tools used:
    • Android Debugging Bridge
    • Unity Test Framework (UTF)
  • Description of types of end users:
    • Surgeon – Operates the program during the surgery
    • Patient – Observes and responds to the prompts during the surgery
    • Administrator – prepares and loads the tests onto the Headset device.
  • Usability testing :
    • Would make sure that no physical hardware gets in the way when the patient put on the headset
  • Performance, reliability, etc. testing:
    • We want to make sure that project is can be maintained on GitHub with have file size issue.
  • acceptance testing:
    • We would test this product with multiple patients when its safe to do so to ensure consistency and reliability with the application.

What we are actually going to test

  • Unit Testing:
    • A unit test will verify that the game object, Slide Card, is able to load images into the canvas.
    • A unit test will verify that the application is able to read from the systems directory
    • A unit test will verify that it is able to pick up the coordinate position of an input device, specifically the meta quest remote controls.
    • A unit test will verify that the slide count will loop once a test has reached its last file.
    • A unit test will verify that the test sets will loop once the user has reached the last test set.
  • Integration Testing & System testing:
    • Verify that the application is accessing files within the Documents folder on the Meta Quest 3
    • Verify that the APK is installable on the Meta Quest 3
    • Verify that the application is able to toggle passthrough mode, switch between AR and VR.
    • Verify that Bluetooth keyboard emulating footswitch device interacts correctly.
    • Verify that the Quest 3 controllers function, and the the Y-coordinate position tracking works correctly.
  • Description of tools used:
    • Unity Test Framework (UTF) Package
    • Manual verification of program functions on the Quest 3 device.
  • Description of types of end users:
    • Surgeon – Operates the program during the surgery
    • Patient – Observes and responds to the prompts during the surgery
    • Administrator – prepares and loads the tests onto the Quest 3 device
  • Usability testing :
    • We want to ensure that when the headset is paired with a Bluetooth device, the device is able to simulate the arrow keys then it can perform all the necessary inputs.
    • We want to ensure that no matter the direction the patient is facing the slide card will always be in front of them in the virtual environment.
    • Ensure that the orientation of the displayed content always appears up-right and facing the patient.
  • Performance, reliability, etc. testing:
    • In the sense of scalability, a user can expand the test sets by putting a folder with a set of images into the headsets Document folder.
  • acceptance testing:
    • Our client will determine if the application is able to display the cognitive test in the virtual environment and cycle through them.
    • Our client will also determine if the application is functional with the pedals, which is a Bluetooth device that is simulating the arrow keys.