Team Meetings

04/21/2023 – Client Meeting

  • Debriefing after first actual use of the headset in surgery.
  • Things to note for future development
    • Boundary setting and disabling the ability to exit the app with the remote.
    • Make controller height calibration accessible again later in the program (original criteria was to make this function inaccessible after startup).
    • Find a way to enlarge the magnification of the streamed image.
    • Add the ability to play an audio prompt over the speakers.
    • Find a way to start or switch apps remotely.
    • Find a way to play video/Netflix in the headset.
    • Have the Quest 3 automatically launch the app on startup.
  • Agreed to capture these items in our documentation of the project under a future development section
  • Client will be working with the neurology team to define other tests and features that will be valuable for them.
  • Client emphasized the need to keep all controls very simple and basic.
  • Discussed content and structure that the client is requesting for the user documentation.

04/19/2024 – Client Meeting

  • Met with Andrew at the hospital to help troubleshoot his headset before first surgery today. Installed the latest version APK file on his headset, loaded the test images into the Quest 3 Documents folder, and enabled filesystem access for the app.
  • Clients headset was used on a patient in surgery today

04/18/2024 – Team Meeting

  • Working on PowerPoint slides for final presentation
  • Investigating Unity Test Runner – initial attempts resulting in many type reference errors in the rest of the project. May perform unit testing in a more manual fashion.
  • Set strategy for videos to record, and additional tasks to complete documentation, testing, and presentation.

04/15/2024 – Client Meeting / Product Demo

  • Demonstrated project for Dr. Higgins.
  • Dr. Higgins approved moving forward with trying the headset in a surgery on Friday.

04/13/2024 – Client Meeting (via email)

  • Dr. Abumoussa has pulled the latest version of the code and reviewed it, did not feel the need have a team meeting this weekend.
  • Made plans to meet with Dr. Higgins on Monday (4/15/2024) and demonstrate the project with members of the team.
  • Made plans to use the headset on a patient on Friday (4/19/2024), and members of the team will be available to support.

04/12/2024 – Team Meeting

  • Worked on color test logic
  • Re-worked the logic to cycle through the different tests, now the color test is in the same rotation as the other tests.
  • When the patient selects one of the colored squares, the word “clicked” appears in the square. After 10 seconds, it clears and randomizes the colors for the squares again.

04/08/2024 – Client Meeting

  • Agreed that we will not add new features to the project.
  • Discussed the final form of the color test.
  • Will finalize the current feature set.
  • Will place all documentation in clients GitHub repository.

04/07/2024 – Client Meeting (client travelling, will try to meet on the evening of 04/08/2024).

04/05/2024 – Team Meeting

  • Worked out some development environment issues.
  • Worked together on color test script.
  • Discussed documentation plan.

04/01/2024 – Coach Meeting

  • Discussed test plan and the need to add more detail
  • Discussed some ideas around unit testing
  • Discussed the need to inform client that we are not able to add additional features this semester, need to finalize the project.

03/31/2024 – Client Meeting (Not scheduled due to Easter Holiday)

03/27/2024 – Team Meeting

  • Steve and Kevin worked together on dev. environment issues.
  • Not a full team meeting during this short week.

03/25/2024 – Coach Meeting

  • Demonstrated the current state of project
  • Discussed Clients requests for week to come
  • Discussed test plan
  • Discussed upcoming Tech Talk
  • Discussed the possibility of defining color test and other dynamically generated slides in a JSON file.

03/24/2024 – Client Meeting

  • Discussed moving the controller position bar graphs to being stacked on the right side of the GUI.
  • Andrew requested that we initialize the upper and lower limits of each controller at the beginning of the test and not be able to alter this again during the test.
  • Andrew requested adding a test where the patient has to select the correctly color card from a group of 4 cards that have their color randomly defined.
  • Andrew brought up the possibility of a live test of the system on a patient scheduled for surgery on 03/29/2024. This idea was cancelled after he met with the patient and his Attending.
  • Discussed the need to have the slide stay level in the headset when the patients head is tilted to the side, instead of maintaining its orientation in the virtual world.

03/22/2024 – Team Meeting

  • Figured out how to get coordinates from each controller. Had it displayed on screen through a Canvas game object as its own card. Made it so this card appears whenever in passthrough mode.

03/18/2024 – Coach Meeting

  • Went over the current status of the project and discussed future plans. Mainly figure out how to get coordinates from the Meta Controllers.

03/07/2024 – Team Meeting

  • Made progress on accessing Quest 3 filesystem during runtime.
  • Modified the application to use files from a folder in the Quest instead of having to build content into the .apk and rebuild the app to change slides.

03/03/2024 – Client Meeting

  • Discussed how Dr. Abumoussa will keep our project separate from his other related projects with AI and VR club
  • Discussed re-assigning foot switches to different function since they are not performing as expected
  • Discussed changes to how the test and VR background toggle on and off
  • Planned to explore accessing the file system on the quest 3 device during runtime execution of the app for loading and displaying content.
  • Discussed the need to disable hand-tracking, and add a slider that can be used to measure range of motion for the patient.
  • Discussed reaching out to the footswitch company to explore the devices performance.

03/01/2024 – Team Meeting

  • explored toggling passthrough mode and test card visibility
  • discussed foot switch performance issues
  • Discussed Ethics Assignment

02/26/2024 – Coach meeting

  • Discussed architecture diagram refinements
  • Discussed other possible formats for representing test material
  • Discussed upcoming Ethics assignment

02/25/2024 – Client Meeting

  • Showed our client the redesign we did to the project. The project is now more object-oriented.
  • We discussed how the content is going to be loaded into the application and settled with that we are going to access the file system on the meta quest 3.
  • Discussed possibly opening up the project with other groups but have to wait for further input with the professor.

02/22/2024 – Team Meeting

  • Integrated redesign of slide object into main project and disabled original GoalManager Object and UI game object. Now it’s simpler to update test content.
  • Discussed possible paths the project can go depending on what the client might want in the future.

02/19/2024 – Coach Meeting

  • Had our specification document reviewed, had our design document reviewed and gave updates on the current progress of the project

02/18/2024 – Client Meeting

  • Met in UNC Hospital Neurosurgical Operating Room, and tested the ability to stream content from the Quest 3 to a monitor in the or using the hospital WIFI. Successful demonstration of the basic minimally working product.
  • Discussed finding ways to avoid having to preserve large files in the GitHub repository. This eats into the customers LFS bandwidth and storage budget.
  • Looking for a way to define only one card, and have the content of that card dynamically changed by the GoalManager.cs script.
  • Client would like us to flesh out the file in the GitHub repository with instructions on how the get the project, install the Unity dev environment, and install and run the app on a Meta Quest 3 headset.
  • Explore a way to have this app automatically run on power up in the Quest 3 headset
  • Capture keyboard input
  • Re-organize the buttons, and make the button area smaller to better vertically center our displayed content.

02/16/2023 – Team Meeting

  • Met in Sitterson classroom, and projected Unity project on big screen. Looked at the different parts of the Unity project, and the current state of how the pieces fit together.
  • Team members will email Kris Jordan about obtaining 3 additional Quest 3 headsets
  • Explored ways to have the GoalManager.cs script control the size of the presented display cards, instead of having that constrained to the values defined in the card objects.

02/12/2024 – Coach Meeting – Wellness day, no meeting.

02/11/2024 – Client Meeting

  • Presented the updated Unity Demo to the client (AwakeVR). The Demo has a slide set integrated with component cards in a unity environment. Further configuration is need.
  • Also presented another Demo formally known as app-debug.apk (testVR). This demo is and Android App that was put onto the Meta Quest 3. It was a simple slide that could be scrolled through using two buttons.
  • After Discussion it was decided to stick to developing with Unity. This was mainly chosen because of limitations of the Meta Quest.
  • The main limitation that Meta Quest has is that it cant completely display its applications vertically. This is achievable with a unity application.
  • Discussed future meeting times and goals to achieve by next week. We want to have all slides loaded into unity and the component cards to have better tracking.

02/05/2024- Coach Meeting

  • Got feedback on the wordpress website, for possible improvements to user stories. Coach told us to give a brief description of what each role does for clarification.
  • Discussed our finding and situation for the VR headset we will be using.
  • Discussed how to present the client with now ideas for the capabilities of the headset.

02/04/2024 – Client Meeting

  • Met with the client and presented small “Hello world” demos created with unity. These demos showed simpled environments created in unity that are meant to be displayed on the headset.
  • Discussed capabilities of the Meta Quest 3 and features we have interacted with it so far.
  • Discussed other possible routes to take for the project. Instead of using unity it seemed like a good idea to just make an android app (APK file) and load it onto the headset.

02/02/2024 – email updates

  • Dr Abumoussa has ordered a Meta Quest 3, Airturn Quad500 Bluetooth foot pedal set, and a Google Chromecast for the project.

01/31/2024 – Client Meeting

  • We decided on which headset to use and settled on the Meta Quest 3
  • Discussed and refined user stories.
  • Discussed goals to reach by thie end of this week, we will establish unity environment and finalize wordpress tasks. WordPress task being project overview and user stories.

01/30/2024 – Dr. Richard Marks meeting

  • Discussed possible VR head-set options for our need for this project
  • Found out that Apple Vision Pro has some limitations on eye-tracking
  • Found out that Quest Pro is getting discontinued

01/29/2024 – Team Meeting

  • Discussed questions to bring to next client meeting.
  • Discussed various models of VR headsets and their features
  • Ali to reach out to Dr. Marks (VR professor) for guidance on selecting a suitable headset
  • Daniel to reach out to client and try to finalize a standing meeting schedule with client
  • Steve to reach out to Carolina VR Club president and CSXL about borrowing a VR headset so that we can get some familiarity with these devices.
  • Viewed a YouTube video showing what is possible with the VR headset.

01/29/2024 – Coach Meeting

  • Introductions
  • Discussed first client meeting, looked at current state of website
  • Discussed Project Concept and User Story deliverables due at end of the week

1/25/2024 – Client Meeting

  • Had an introduction with the client on the project goals.
  • Discussed posisble meeting times with client.
  • Began discussion on possible VR headsets to use for the project.

01/18/2024 – Team Meeting

  • Met after class. Selected projects that we are interested in, and emailed list to the class alias.

01/16/2024 – Team Meeting

  • First team meeting during class. Made an initial team website, discussed possible meeting times, discussed strengths.

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