2/22 Client Meeting

  • Reuse whatever we can from the old code
    • Obstacle drawing
    • Algorithms themselves
  • Showed her the progress on the PID code
    • Need to get REACT working
    • Maybe multiple visualizations, could separate the visualization from the code already here since it’s pretty general
  • Want to make the tools accessible broadly
  • If we finish bug algorithms and PID:
    • Having a common UI across multiple aspect
    • We have RRT and a kinematics model, but the UI is not great
    • Different UI than obstacle creation, but incorporating 
    • Visibility graph (partial stretch) or PRM (major stretch)
      • Using obstacle configuration from Bug Algs
  • Focus on UI quality before any stretch goals
  • Make UI generally usable so it can incorporate other algorithms later!
    • As distinct as possible from the planning part
  • Making the code as portable as possible
    • Easily shareable
    • Minimal installation

2/21 Coach Meeting

  • Backend not needed
  • Need to review architecture diagram, and reflect that there’s no backend on it
  • Redesign the UI/UX
  • Framework if we got it might be different but the actual path finding code would be useful
  • Keep the copyright notice and license, modify it from there
  • Can safely start a new code base, but just get what we need from the old code
  • Survey some animation JS library so we can plot and design the robot, etc.

2/8 Client Meeting

  • PID controller representation ideas
    • Having the user draw a line, and robot has to follow it
    • Every time line changes direction, can the robot follow
      • Similar to wall following
    • Making a hill/wedge, having something go up it and stop at a specific spot
      • Might need gravity/acceleration
      • A bit more abstract, might prefer the other idea
    • A wheel that spins fast getting it to a certain RPM
  • Ron really wants to have it self-contained
    • Asked for more info on how his website works and how it’s integrated
    • Janine will email IT about the other cs robot website about how to embed it
    • We should research this a bit more too

2/7 Coach Meeting

  • Take a look at the previous code, ask Janine if we should keep it and build on top of it
    • Current UI is hard to use
  • Need to look at ethics assignment for next weekend
  • Midterm presentation is in three weeks, start thinking about it
  • https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/academic-program/give-great-research-talk/
    • Helpful video on doing a research talk
  • Research existing JS libraries
  • We should set a goal for these two weeks, because we need to get started on it
  • Implement bug algorithm after we’ve researched it

1/27 Client Meeting

  • First client meeting with Dr. Janine Hoelscher
  • Look at existing document and video
  • Make sure certain requirements have been met from last semester
    • See what works and what doesn’t work from last semester’s project
    • They built a lot of infrastructure, and one more complex algorithm
    • They built a tool that lets you draw obstacles
  • Self-contained as possible so it can be integrated into a website pretty easily
    • Check for dependencies
    • Everything in one folder
  • Adding path planning algorithms
    • Shouldn’t be too difficult to implement, a lot of code has been implemented already
  • Add an easy visualization for PID controllers
    • There isn’t a really good simple explanation for this already, so it’d be good to have on this
  • https://robotics.cs.unc.edu/C-space/index.html
    • This is what Ron has in mind
  • They also tried to build kinematics models, which visually could use improvement