2/22 Client Meeting

  • Reuse whatever we can from the old code
    • Obstacle drawing
    • Algorithms themselves
  • Showed her the progress on the PID code
    • Need to get REACT working
    • Maybe multiple visualizations, could separate the visualization from the code already here since it’s pretty general
  • Want to make the tools accessible broadly
  • If we finish bug algorithms and PID:
    • Having a common UI across multiple aspect
    • We have RRT and a kinematics model, but the UI is not great
    • Different UI than obstacle creation, but incorporating 
    • Visibility graph (partial stretch) or PRM (major stretch)
      • Using obstacle configuration from Bug Algs
  • Focus on UI quality before any stretch goals
  • Make UI generally usable so it can incorporate other algorithms later!
    • As distinct as possible from the planning part
  • Making the code as portable as possible
    • Easily shareable
    • Minimal installation

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