User Stories

  1. As a new CMO, I want to be able to input structured CSV data with historical marketing information so that I can understand the revenue impact of different marketing-mix scenarios over the past four quarters.
    • Benefit/Value: Gain a statistical foundation for decision-making and a comprehensive overview of historical marketing performance.
  2. As a CMO who has recently joined the company, I want to view predictions based on historical data so that I can anticipate revenue outcomes if the same marketing scenarios were projected forward.
    • Benefit/Value: Make informed decisions about future marketing strategies by understanding potential outcomes.
  3. As a CMO with concerns about overspending, I want the software to model the results of reducing content syndication so that I can assess the impact on revenue.
    • Benefit/Value: Quickly evaluate the consequences of adjusting specific marketing tactics.
  4. As a CMO, I want the software to provide recommendations on alternative marketing tactics so that I can diversify strategies and achieve target revenue.
    • Benefit/Value: Receive actionable guidance to optimize the marketing mix and reach revenue goals effectively.