D2. Design Document

Platform Selection:

Lambda 1Scrape company website and relevant sourcesscans relevant sources to compute a level 1 and 2 categorization for the business (marketing, target accounts, etc.)Updated CSV with categorization
Lambda 2Leverage sensitivity analysis to identify top 5 recommendations Considers both L1&2 GTM strategies combined with the constraining factors from sensitivity analysis to identify 5 best recommendations for improving revenueRecommendations for each constraining factor
Front EndClient can view description of each constraining factor and detailed recommendationsA summarized view of each constraining factor identified in sensitivity analysis with recommendations for eachElegant UI

Tools and TechStack:

Cloud Repo & version control: GitLab

Cloud Provider: AWS (S3, Lambda)

Languages & Frameworks:

  • Typescript (Node, Express, Next.js)
  • Python (Flask, NumPy, Pandas, SciPy)
  • Zenrows

Other Productivity Tools:

  • Tar Heel Live Website Builder
  • Notion
  • GitLab Issues (task manager)
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Slack

Architecture Diagram

Client architecture for sensitivity analysis

Architecture for Recommendation Engine