D1. Specifications

User Stories:

  1. As a new CMO, I want to input structured CSV data with historical marketing information so that I can understand the revenue impact of different marketing-mix scenarios over the past four quarters.
    • Benefit/Value: Gain a statistical foundation for decision-making and a comprehensive overview of historical marketing performance.
  2. As a CMO who has recently joined the company, I want to view predictions based on historical data so that I can anticipate revenue outcomes if the same marketing scenarios were projected forward.
    • Benefit/Value: Make informed decisions about future marketing strategies by understanding potential outcomes.
  3. As a CMO with concerns about overspending, I want the software to model the results of reducing content syndication so that I can assess the impact on revenue.
    • Benefit/Value: Quickly evaluate the consequences of adjusting specific marketing tactics.
  4. As a CMO, I want the software to provide recommendations on alternative marketing tactics so that I can diversify strategies and achieve target revenue.
    • Benefit/Value: Receive actionable guidance to optimize the marketing mix and reach revenue goals effectively.


  1. Inputting structured CSV data for historical analysis is considered crucial as it lays the foundation for understanding past performance.
  2. Viewing predictions based on historical data follows closely, providing insight into potential future scenarios.
  3. Modeling the impact of reducing content syndication is important for addressing specific concerns about overspending.
  4. Providing recommendations for alternative tactics is valuable for optimizing the marketing mix and achieving target revenue.


Functional Requirements

Priority Levels:

  1. High Priority
    • As a new CMO, I want to input structured CSV data with historical marketing information, so that I can understand the revenue impact of different marketing-mix scenarios over the past four quarters.
    • As a CMO who has recently joined the company, I want to view predictions based on historical data, so that I can anticipate revenue outcomes if the same marketing scenarios were projected forward.
  2. Medium Priority
    • As a CMO with concerns about overspending, I want the software to model the results of reducing content syndication utilizing some form of AI recommendation, so that I can assess the impact on revenue.
    • As a CMO, I want the software to provide recommendations on alternative marketing tactics, so that I can diversify strategies and achieve target revenue.
  3. Low Priority
    • (Empty for now)but will be readjusted based on client meetings

Non-functional Requirements

Priority Levels:

  1. High Priority
    • Usability: The system should have an intuitive user interface for easy interaction with CMOs.
  2. Medium Priority
    • Design & Implementation: The system design should be modular and scalable to accommodate future changes and expansions.
  3. Low Priority
    • Reliability: The software should be reliable in providing accurate predictions and recommendations based on historical and projected data. (The only reason placed into low priority is because as a small team we cannot ensure the quality of the recommendations by the A.I engine.


Priority Levels:

  1. High Priority
    • APIs: Programming interfaces should be well-documented for potential integration with other systems. This goes hand-hand with getting a good grade in this class.
  2. Medium Priority
    • Agreed-upon Sketches: Include agreed-upon sketches or screenshots of the interfaces for clear expectations. (Still waiting on client to provide idea of UX)
  3. Low Priority
    • (Empty for now)