Final Hand-Off Documentation

In addition to transferring ownership, we have prepared comprehensive documentation and guidance to facilitate the setup of the development environment on your local system. This documentation includes detailed instructions on installing all requisite dependencies, ensuring a smooth transition to local development practices found under final submission documentation.

To complement the written documentation, we have also prepared a series of training videos that will be available on our website under the “Final Submission and Hand-Off” section. These videos are designed to provide visual, step-by-step guidance on transitioning the repository and setting up the development environment locally. We believe that this combination of written and visual resources will empower you to confidently continue the development and maintenance of the system.

Dependencies and Explanations:

  1. @anthropic-ai/sdk:
    • Explanation: This dependency provides access to Anthropic AI’s Claude model, facilitating natural language processing capabilities for sensitivity analysis.
  2. zenrows:
    • Explanation: ZenRows is utilized for URL scraping, enabling the retrieval of additional data to enhance the analysis process.
  3. papaparse:
    • Explanation: Papaparse is utilized for CSV parsing, allowing the system to process input data in a structured format for analysis.
  4. react, react-dom:
    • Explanation: React and ReactDOM are fundamental dependencies for building user interfaces in React applications, enabling the creation of interactive components for data visualization and user interaction.
  5. @mui/material:
    • Explanation: Material-UI provides pre-designed React components and styles, facilitating the creation of a visually appealing and consistent user interface for the application.
  6. next:
    • Explanation: Next.js is a React framework used for server-side rendering, providing performance optimizations and simplifying the development of complex React applications.
  7. typescript:
    • Explanation: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing capabilities, enhancing code readability, maintainability, and scalability in large-scale projects.
  8. eslint, eslint-config-next:
    • Explanation: ESLint is a linter tool used for identifying and fixing code inconsistencies and errors, while eslint-config-next provides ESLint configurations optimized for Next.js applications.
  9. @types/node, @types/papaparse, @types/react, @types/react-dom:
    • Explanation: These type definitions packages provide TypeScript typings for Node.js, Papaparse, React, and ReactDOM, respectively, ensuring type safety and improved development experience in TypeScript projects.