Hand-Off Document

Technical Description: The system is a modular application hosted on AWS or Google Cloud (Depends on client’s preferred) The module is implemented using Python and various data analysis libraries, while the recommendation engine integrates Claude’s capabilities coupled with data scraping to classify L1 and L2.

Hand-Off Process:

Understanding the System:

  • Provide a brief overview of recommendation engine functionalities and the architecture.

Ownership and Management:

  • Transfer ownership of the AWS account hosting the system to the client.
  • Guide the client on how to manage and monitor the system through AWS Management Console.

Cost Considerations:

  • Explain any potential costs associated with AWS usage, such as compute resources and data storage.
  • Provide estimates for scaling the system to accommodate larger user bases or increased usage.

Continued Support:

  • Provide contact information for technical assistance or further inquiries.

Accessing the System:

  • Provide the client with access credentials to the repo and explain integration with their overall sensitivity analysis with their web application

Transitioning Repository and Local Deployment:

  • Transfer ownership of the code repository to the client. This means that the client will have access permissions to clone, modify, and manage the codebase.
  • Provide instructions or assistance on transferring the repository to the client’s preferred version control system, if necessary (We are using gitlab right now).
  • Provide documentation or guidance on setting up the development environment locally. This includes instructions on installing necessary dependencies (This will also be a part of the documentation plan of the system as a whole).