Testing Documentation


Tests for `frontend src` code use [Jest](https://jestjs.io) and are organized in the `test` directory

with subdirectories that mirror the package structure.

To run the tests, simply run

npm test

Jest will automatically find all test files and run them. You can also use the –watch flag to run tests in watch mode, which will re-run tests whenever code changes are detected.

During the test run, Jest generates snapshots of rendered components, which are saved in the __snapshots__ directory in the Tests directory. You can view these snapshots to help diagnose test failures.

The tests are fully automated using GitHub Actions. We have set up a test.yml file in the .github/workflows directory that defines the test workflow. This means that every time you push changes to GitHub, the tests will automatically run on a GitHub-hosted runner. If any tests fail, you will receive a notification in GitHub.


Tests for `backend src` code use [unittest](https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html) and are organized in the /kinetik_dashboard/amplify/backend/function/kinetikSimulationLambda/src/backendTest.py file.

To run the tests, cd to the backend src folder and use the following command

python -m unittest backendTest.py

Unites will automatically find all test files and run them.

The tests are fully automated using GitHub Actions. We have set up a test.yml file in the .github/workflows directory that defines the test workflow. This means that every time you push changes to GitHub, the tests will automatically run on a GitHub-hosted runner. If any tests fail, you will receive a notification in GitHub.