FAQ Session

1. What is Kinetik Simulation?

Kinetik Simulation is a web application that uses a Monte Carlo forecasting model to help large enterprises optimize their go-to-market strategies and improve revenue growth. The application provides users with insight into the constraining factors in their go-to-market models by cross-referencing multiple functions including Sales, Marketing, Sales Operations, Business Partners, and Delivery. The app uses proprietary pipeline velocity metrics, predictive analytics and simulation, and dynamic visualization of the model to create a unique go-to-market profile that is specific to the enterprise. The application supports real-time scenario analysis, executive-level dashboards, and automated machine learning methods to assess week-by-week changes in pipeline snapshots. By leveraging these features, enterprises can accurately forecast and optimize their go-to-market models to maximize their revenue growth potential.

2. What types of data can be uploaded to the Kinetik Simulation application?

The Kinetik Simulation application accepts data in CSV format. The data should contain columns for opportunity ID, stages, probability, amount, and any additional attributes you want to include in your simulation.

3. What is the duration of the simulation?

The duration of the simulation can be set by the user in the Control Panel. The user can select a duration of one quarter, half a year, or one full year.

4. Can I modify my uploaded data after the simulation has started?

No, once the simulation has started, you cannot modify your uploaded data. If you need to make changes to your data, you will need to re-upload a new file and restart the simulation.

5. How long does it take for the simulation to complete?

The time it takes for the simulation to complete depends on the size of your data file and the complexity of your simulation. Generally, smaller files with simpler simulations will complete faster than larger files with more complex simulations.

6. What is a go-to-market profile?What is a go-to-market profile?

A go-to-market profile is a unique combination of opportunity attributes (e.g. identification channel, seller community, marketing tactic, prospect industry, etc) that has a similar opportunity progression profile. The Kinetik Simulation application develops a unique go-to-market profile through an automated machine learning method that assesses week by week changes of a series of historical pipeline snapshots.

7. Can the Kinetik Simulation application be used for forecasting?

Yes, the Kinetik Simulation application can be used for forecasting. The application produces superior forecasts through cluster analysis of opportunities to identify opportunity attributes with similar opportunity progression profiles.

8. Is it possible to perform scenario analysis with the Kinetik Simulation application?

Yes, the Kinetik Simulation application supports real-time scenario analysis through executive level dashboards and simulation visualizations. Users can create scenarios and visualize the impact of go-to-market model changes on the opportunity pipeline in the application.

9. What level of technical knowledge is required to use the Kinetik Simulation application?

The Kinetik Simulation application is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Users do not need a detailed understanding of the underlying data science and velocity statistics to use the application effectively. However, basic knowledge of CSV file format and the ability to follow the guidance is necessary.

10. How can I get help if I encounter issues with the Kinetik Simulation application?

If you encounter issues with the Kinetik Simulation application, you can refer to the troubleshooting or FAQ sections in the application, or contact the Kinetik Simulation staff for assistance.