Ethics Assignment

Binance Deepfake Incident

Deepfake technology is a growing field of artificial intelligence that has the potential to create convincing images and videos of real people doing and saying things they never did or said. This technology could be used to spread false information and malicious content in a way that is difficult to detect and is considered dangerous. The use of deepfake technology can be used to target individuals in ways that can have an extreme negative impact. Recently, fraudsters took things to the next level by creating a deepfake of Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency platform. A sophisticated hacking team used previous video footage from TV appearances of the chief communications officer, Patrick Hillman, to make an AI hologram of him and trick people into meetings. This impersonation could have led to hackers gaining access to private financial accounts and company information. Luckily, this was brought to Binance’s attention quick enough to alleviate any real problems. The initial intent of deepfake technology was for movie dubbing; producers wanted to alter existing video footage to create new content of someone mouthing words they didn’t speak in the original version. Therefore, the original software engineers did not have unethical behavior. However, the actual functions being performed by the software can have many unethical uses.

AI Bias

AI bias can be unethical when it is used to propagate existing discriminatory practices and ideologies. AI bias can lead to the reinforcement of gender, racial, and other existing social biases. For example, facial recognition software has been found to be more accurate in identifying white faces than black faces. This discrepancy in accuracy can lead to discriminatory practices in law enforcement, as law enforcement officers may be more likely to investigate people of color disproportionately. AI bias can also be unethical when it is used to manipulate people’s behavior. For example, there are certain AI algorithms used in marketing that can be used to target certain people with specific advertisements. This can enable companies to manipulate people’s behavior and make them more likely to buy certain products. This type of AI bias can be used to exploit vulnerable populations and encourage consumerism, which can lead to unethical practices. AI bias can also lead to the creation of unfair algorithms that do not consider the social context of a situation. For example, algorithms used in the hiring process can lead to unconscious bias in the selection of candidates. AI algorithms can also be used to decide who gets accepted into college or who is eligible for a loan, and these decisions can be based on biased data sets that do not consider the social context. In this case, it is on the software engineers to ensure and thoroughly test their products to ensure that they are fair and accurate for everyone. 

Mass Storage of Personally Identifiable Information

The storage of personally identifiable information (PII) can be dangerous and lead to serious consequences if not managed properly. PII can include items such as an individual’s name, social security number, address, date of birth, and bank account. When these types of data are not properly secured, it can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and other forms of abuse. For example, a poorly secured database of health insurance customers with their personal information could be accessed by someone with malicious intent. This individual could then use the information to take out fraudulent loans or open credit cards in the names of the individuals whose data was stolen. In addition, this data could be sold on the dark web, which could lead to further identity theft and financial losses. In order to protect the individuals whose data is stored, it is important for companies and software engineers to secure their databases and use strong encryption techniques to protect the data from unauthorized access. In addition, companies should ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data and be aware of the risks associated with storing PII. They should also do regular audits of their systems to ensure that the data is stored securely. In this case, the functions being performed by the software may be unethical, but the software engineers can help prevent these harmful effects.