Client Hand-off Plan

Our client will receive access to the following:

  • Gmail – class deliverables, design drafts, final documentation
  • GitHub – application code
  • Figma – final design deliverables
  • AWS Account – AWS Lambda for running simulation & AWS amplify for hosting website
  • Project Website – Our group website in
  • Documentations – Persist in the webpage & in the docs folder in the Github repo
  • Video – Youtube link for teaching how to use the website
  • Final Deployed Application

We will provide a set of steps to follow in a hand off document in order to transfer the application from the current private shared GitHub repository and host it on the client’s AWS Account (a video will also be provided on how to follow these steps).

Additionally, we will meet with the client and walk him through the technical aspects of the transfer, including adding the client as a contributor to the GitHub repository, helping him clone it, and setting up the environment using his AWS Access Keys, and deploying the Amplify application in AWS.

Hand Off Plan Link