
User Stories

  • As an adolescent transitioning to adulthood, 
  • I want a visualized report or feedback from the STARx survey,
  • So that I can see how ready I am for the transition. 
  • As an adolescent transitioning to adulthood, 
  • I want my report from the STARx survey to be printable,
  • So that I can hand it over to my medical provider and keep it in my health record. 
  • As a pediatric specialist, 
  • I want to see a visualized report of my patients,
  • So that I can provide customized treatment for my patients. 
  • As a manager of the STARx program, 
  • I want to store survey responses in a HIPAA-compliant database,
  • So that I can keep a record of each response and analyze the data to see what patterns they have. 
  • As a manager of the STARx program, 
  • I want each respondent to the survey to have a unique ID,
  • So that I can keep track of the longitudinal data of the respondents.
  • As a parent of an adolescent transitioning to adulthood,
  • I want a visualized report or feedback from the STARx survey,
  • So that I can see how ready my child is for the transition. 
  • As a user who does not speak English or Spanish, 
  • I want to take the STARx survey in my language,
  • So that I can have a better understanding of the question and make the result reflect well on me. 
  • As a user who does not live in an English- or Spanish-speaking country, 
  • I want the STARx survey to generate a report in my language,
  • So that I can give my report to the local pediatrician who does not speak English or Spanish for further guidance. 

Functional Requirements

  • Definite
    • This web application will be able to collect responses to the STARx Questionnaire and store them in the UNC-hosted database that is HIPAA-compliant for longitudinal tracking and analytical purposes.
    • Should have a patient login feature to track changes in patients over time.
    • The questionnaire will be able to generate an attractive and sensitive score report upon completion for each respondent. This includes automated score calculation and generation of graphic visualization
  • Perhaps
    • There will be a new online survey for the TRxANSITION Index
    • There will be support for printable PDF report of the patients’ or parents’ responses to be used in the patients’ health records

Non-functional Requirements

  • Definite
    • This web application will be hosted on the Carolina CloudApps for global users
    • The web application will support additional languages other than English and Spanish