Platform Selection

Platform Components

The primary language for our project is JavaScript. We will use ReactJS to build up our website framework and SurveyJS to construct the body of the questionnaires. We made these choices to accommodate the choices of the previous group and continue the development of the existing application built with these tools. Additionally, we will use ChartJS to create graphic visualizations for the survey result page. For the backend and database, we will use Cloud Firestore from Firebase as our database. Our project will be a web application and it’s going to be hosted by Firebase Hosting.

Client Requirements

We were initially planning to use PostgresSQL as our database, but we were told that if we wanted to host the app on the department’s server, we had to make sure the database is compatible with it. We were also told by our client Dr. Ferris that the department wanted us to use RedCap to host our app, but since she’d had experiences using RedCap and had issues with it, we eventually decided to host our app on Firebase and use Cloud Firestore as our database.