Hand-off Plan

Project Repository: https://github.com/XavierHilbert/starx-app

The web application is hosted at https://starx-2e105.web.app/. We will write a README file in the repository to explain how to set up the web application and how to make changes for any future teams. We will create an account for Dr. Ferris in the Firebase authentication for her to get access to the admin portal of the web application.

We will create a doc instruction for our client to set up locally, the link is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fZ9MAtQus4cw0JBhezeubKRLGA5PeqFkAtNonPFcQ9Y/edit

At this week’s client meeting, we will demo the web application’s functionality, including the questionnaire section, the results page, the generation of pdfs, and how to export CSV files from the database. Finally, to help the STARx team or possibly future team can maintain and improve the web application in the future, we will give them access to the GitHub repository and add them to the existing Firebase project.