Documentation Plan

Our users are the STARx team and the patients involved in the project, as well as their families and healthcare providers.

User Documentation
For patients, families, and healthcare providers using the questionnaires, we will provide the User Documentation, which will introduce the STARx project and the web application. Since the web application is so intuitive to use, we may just record a short video to show users how to start the questionnaire, how to select different language versions and introduce the results page after completing the questionnaire.

Link to video:

Administrator Documentation
For the STARx team, we will provide the Administrator Documentation, which includes an introduction to our project and Firebase, and the GitHub repository, which already contains the README. This will allow future teams to maintain or improve the existing web application or change the settings of Firebase. In addition, we made a video showing how to use Firebase firestore and authenticaiton to manage user data and data request entries.

User Manual:

Link to video: