
May 8, 2023, Client Meeting

  • There will be a client meeting on May 8th to present the application and deliver it to Dr.Ferris

May 4, 2023, Team Meeting

  • Discussed as a team what we needed to do to finalize our application including fixing bugs, adding small features that the client asked for, and adding some details to the hand-off documentation

April 25, 2023, Coach Meeting

  • Updated the coach on what has been completed for now and what still needs to be done

April 23, 2023, Team Meeting

  • Practiced the final presentation together

April 22, 2023, Team Meeting

  • Discussed the topics we need to cover in the final presentation including an introduction, live demo, architecture, and lessons learned, and split the jobs

April 18, 2023, Coach Meeting

  • Showed the coach our new methods for CSV export and PDF generation
  • Received a suggestion that the random ID we generated for the users is too long
  • Received some suggestions on the hand-off plan that the document itself should be more detailed

April 17, 2023, Team Meeting

  • Discussed the hand-off plan together
  • Added the documentation plan and the hand-off plan to the deliverables

April 11, 2023, Coach Meeting

  • Showed the coach the CSV export using Rowy (a third-party app)
  • Received suggestions that using third-party apps may cause confusion for the client

April 10, 2023, Team Meeting

  • Discussed the details of the test plan and finalized it
  • Started working on the documentation plan

April 4, 2023, Coach Meeting

  • Showed the coach the Tech Talk slides and received suggestions on removing repeated content and improving the layout of the slides

April 2, 2023, Team Meeting

  • Discussed the topics we need to cover in the Tech Talk for Firebase including an overview, security rules, demo, etc. and split the jobs

March 29, 2023, Coach Meeting

  • Showed the coach the survey and the result pages
  • Found a few bugs in the survey
  • Discussed next week’s plans including test plan and Tech Talk

March 23, 2023, Client Meeting

  • Showed the client the frontend, firebase, and connections
  • Identified a list of survey problems to be fixed, including score calculation specifications
  • Planned to add additional functions to store survey responses
  • Planned to generate csv files for results
  • Planned to redesign the reuslt page to display scores in the way specified by the client

March 22, 2023, Team Meeting

  • Established basic functions to store data from frontend to firebase
  • Planned for adding more functions for each survey component

March 21, 2023, Coach Meeting

  • Showed the coach the database we are using to store the responses
  • Found a few bugs in one of the surveys

March 9, 2023, Client Meeting & Team Meeting

  • Showed the client the frontend
  • Asked for translated surveys
  • Decided to display some brief result descriptions and score interpretations
  • Decided not to display longitudinal results because of HIPAA-compliance
  • Confirmed that all survey questions should be required

March 7, 2023, Coach Meeting

  • Showed the coach the frontend
  • Told to show the client the frontend, including the survey result page
  • Told to connect the results from the frontend to database
  • Told that git commit should be atmoic, split features, and one feature per commit
  • Suggested tech talk topic: carolina cloudapps

March 2, 2023, Team Meeting

  • Reviewed the presentation slides together
  • Practiced presentation as a team

February 29, 2023, Coach Meeting

  • Checked current progress
  • Showed the presentation content to the coach

February 23, 2023, Client Meeting

  • Decided to use Carolina CloudApps as the platform
  • Showed the client the rough result page with score report and chart
    • Decided to show the maximum score for each section
  • Decided to add give doctors the authority to access their patient’s records from the database
  • Decided to generate a random UID for each patient for longitudinal tracking purposes

February 21, 2023, Team Meeting

  • Decided to use Sequelize as object-relational mapper for database
  • Split jobs for the midterm presentation

February 21, 2023, Coach Meeting

  • Got introduced to Sequelize, which could solve our issue of not being able to decide on the database
  • Showed the web demo to the coach
  • Discussed how we could use internationalization to add multi-language support

February 9, 2023, Client&Team Meeting

  • Discussed what information about the respondents we can and cannot record in the database
    • We cannot keep anything that can identify the respondent, such as name, date of birth, or email
    • We can include things like age, sex and race
  • Discussed briefly how we could allow respondents to come back and redo the survey after a period of time while keeping the response data HIPAA-complient
    • Assign each new respondent an ID, but it’s not recoverable once lost
  • Discussed how the expected report will look like
    • Instead of one score for the whole survey, one for each section is better
    • Ideally with graphic visualization

February 6, 2023, Team Meeting

  • Discussed our jobs and tools used for the project

January 31, 2023, Coach Meeting

  • Checked the process
  • Talked about tasks over this week: discussing user stories, completing schedule, and updating journal

January 26, 2023, Client Meeting

  • The leader of the previous team Amelia Paulsen introduced us to the survey application they made, specifically on existing functionalities and technologies they used and what we should be looking to achieve this semester
  • Introduced each of us to the client Dr. Ferris: talked about who we are and why we chose the project individually and as a team
  • Scheduled the next meeting with Dr. Ferris

January 24, 2023, Coach Meeting

  • Analyzed the project proposal with TA, identifying things that are manageable and things that are potentially difficult to deal with
  • Went over tasks we should complete over the next week: setting up first client meeting, completing project introduction, requirements and user stories
  • TA introduced us to various helpful resources

January 19, 2023, Team Meeting

  • Discussed about the client proposals and selected a list of 6 most prefered ones
  • Completed contact information and set up team rules