Documentation Plan


Volumetric Capture Project is an AI-based project by Sky Blue Innovation Lab. Volumetric Capture aims to turn the scanned human video into a 3D model. Team G is taking charge of building up the website application and model pipeline for the users to implement the model with the easiest interaction.

User Documentation

Our technology could be implemented in different fields, such as medical models and film production. The potential users are mostly experts in different fields, but they are not expected to understand the structure of the website. The users could access the following functionalities:

  • Sign up, log in, and log out
    •  Users are required to create an account to build up the project and download the model. Projects and uploaded files are saved in users’ personal accounts.
  • Manage project
    • After logging into the account, the users could manage their projects from their own main page. Users are able to create a new project, edit a project and delete a project by clicking the corresponding buttons on the main page. Projects are displayed as cards on the main page. Users could edit project descriptions, upload images, and adjust the parameter for the model when needed.  
  • Upload files and Insert parameter
    • Images are input for the model. Users should upload the zip files, intrinsic files, and extrinsic files before running the model. The intrinsic file and extrinsic files are in yml format. These inputs are required for running the model. The model could not be implemented if it lacks the required files.
  • Download model
    • After submitting the required files, users could return to the project management page and run the model by clicking the corresponding button. Model running could take up some time, and running time depends on the size of the uploaded files. Users should keep the window open and wait for the model to run in order to get the output model.
  • Project status
    • The user could see the project status on the project card. If the model has run and been downloaded, the status will be shown on the project card.

Administrator Documentation

The administrators of our project are our Client and his lab, sky blue innovation. The administrators have permission to manage users and make changes to the website. The instruction details could be viewed in the documentation folder of our GitHub repository. Our team recommends the administrators carefully read the documentation and follow the instructions step by step. Following the documentation, the administrator could: 

  • Set up the environment
  • Understand project structure 
  • Test authentication
  • Run the application in development mode 

Our group will keep the instruction and project structure in the documentation folder and README file at the GitHub repository . The documentation will be updated following the steps of our progress, and all of the documentation will be done when the project is finished at the end of Spring 2023.