Hand-Off Plan

Video Tutorial

Hand Off Video

How to Access Project / Set Up Locally

  1. Clone the repo BucknerWebTraining/buckner-university(Using http or SSH key)
  2. Install docker if already not installed and open it
  3. Open project in an editor (vscode recommended)
  4. * install docker plugin in vscode 
  5. Open command palette (shift + command + p)
  6. Enter: `dev containers rebuild container`
  7. Should be good to go!

Front end (separate command palette) :

  1. `cd` into the frontend folder
  2. Run `npm install`
  3. Run `npm start`

Backend (separate command palette):

  1. `cd` into the backend folder
  2. Run `npm run dev`


The setup guide is also included in GitHub readme

Technical Description

Buckner University is meant to be a standalone site. Buckner Heavylift is the primary owners and Buckner Employees are the users. Post project completion Buckner will assume responsibility to pull the code and put it on their company Github and connect it to their website hosting service.

  • must login with a Buckner account using Microsoft sso

Potential Issues to discuss with clients: 

Since each time the api endpoints of iti are called when we query our information in our backend, you might run into too many request issue response code 433 meaning you have made more requests that you are allowed. Might want to discuss increasing the amount of requests you can make in a certain amount of time with iti.