
Functional Requirements


  1. Users can log in to site.
  2. Users can take courses assigned to them
  3. Users can track progress in courses
  4. Admin can assign coursesĀ 
  5. Admin can track courses taken by usersĀ 
  6. Website integrated around ITI


  1. Users can log in to site with SSO
  2. Every course and learning path is available to the user
  3. The user can see history and certifications at any time
  4. New user dashboard


  1. Website is capable of hosting Buckner courses
  2. New admin dashboard
  3. Users can request to take a course
  4. User can self enroll in preapproved courses

Non-Functional Requirements


  1. UX/UI is readable and necessary information is easy to find.
  2. The system will be easy to use for crane operators.
  3. Fits Buckner theme and color scheme


  1. Data visualization for user and admin dashboard
  2. Web mobile friendly for Ipads


  1. Notifications for course related information.
  2. Mobile application