D1: Specifications

User Stories

As a User…

  • I want to view a model of the Swayambhu site in first-person so that I can view this model as if I am a visitor of the physical site.
  • I want to move around and zoom in and out so that I can easily navigate the model. 
  • I want to be unable to walk through structures so that I can more easily navigate the model and have a more realistic material sense of the site. 
  • I want to access this model on a website so that I can view it on my personal computer. 
  • I want to view this model through VR so that I can have a more immersive and realistic experience. 
  • I want to view video, audio, and text annotations corresponding to specific parts of the model so that I can have a better understanding of their significance. 
  • I want to access the original source of the annotations so that I can explore those topics further. 

As an Admin…

  • I want to add, update, or remove annotations via a user interface so that I can keep the annotations up-to-date without having to update the code. 
  • I want to give access or assign other Admins so that they can also add, update, or remove annotations.


Definite: requirements we will definitely have done by the end of the semester 

Perhaps: requirements we may well have time to get to, but not until “definite” category is done 

Improbable: requirements identified by the client that we most likely have time to meet this semester



  • Create a 3D virtual environment that visually captures the Swayambhu site and its historic context
  • Have this environment live on a web UI that is accessible via the internet
  • Integrate annotations and videos into the virtual environment; annotations should be associated with the appropriate location on the model 
  • Annotations should play/open after the user clicks a button/location on the model 
  • Annotations on the site (images, video interviews, text) link to the full, original source
  • Model should mimic physical limitations; users should not be able to walk through obstacles, building structures, and walls
  • Users should be able to use controls (keyboard, dragging, and/or buttons) to navigate the model horizontally 
  • Users should be able to use controls (keyboard, dragging, and/or buttons) to navigate the model vertically  


  • Admins should be able to give Admin permissions to other users 
  • Admins outside of UNC (aka without ONYENs) should be able to go to edit annotations 
  • VR adaptation of web UI that allows users to explore the site and read annotations/videos through any form of VR headset


  • Admins are able to add, update, create, and delete annotations from the model via a GUI
  • Identify a location/way to store thousands of hours of video 
  • Users can comment and have a discussion forum tagged onto parts of the web UI

Usability, Reliability, Performance, Supportability, +design, +interface, +implementation, +physical


  • Model is freely available online without pay wall
  • Model should be as high-resolution and specific as possible using the given data to best mimic the site in real life
  • First-person view capability to explore the environment
  • Model should be attractive and interesting 
  • Model website hosted on UNC cloud apps
  • Model is able to run smoothly without the need for advanced hardware
  • Model must be accessible and be able to run on computer (windows laptop, MacBook) 


  • Model must be accessible and be able to run on mobile devices (iPhone, pixel, etc.)
  • Model must be accessible and be able to run on VR headsets (Oculus, Apple pro)


  • Model can be interacted with offline



  • Model is accessible via a web and VR experience
  • Uses UNITY (or another graphics game engine) to display model
  • Uses WebGL (or another tool for hosting the game engine and/or rendering graphics) 



  • Model annotations can be updated via the admin interface