Swayambhu Stories

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Project Concept: Visualizing Religion and Heritage in Nepal

Explore Nepal’s rich cultural heritage with Swayambhu Stories – a web application that immerses you in the 3D model of the iconic Swayambhunath stupa, sharing its history, rituals, and personal narratives through text, photos, audio, and videos from anywhere in the world.

“Swayambhu Stories” is an innovative endeavor born from the collaboration between Professor Lauren Leve of UNC’s Religious Studies department and Baakhan Nyane Waa, a Nepali NGO comprised of cultural heritage enthusiasts and experts. This project addresses the pressing need to preserve the tangible and intangible heritage of Nepal, especially considering its vulnerability to earthquakes and the rapid pace of cultural change.

The project, a web application with future mobile compatibility and VR capabilities, serves a global audience interested in exploring the Swayambhunath stupa, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It provides a solution to the issue of losing a sense of heritage and identity by offering a high-quality 3D model and a rich archive of interviews, encompassing the history, practices, and personal reflections of those connected to the site. Users can navigate the virtual stupa as if they were physically present, preventing unrealistic interactions with the environment. Annotations, including text, photos, audio, and videos, appear seamlessly within the 3D model, offering a comprehensive understanding of the site. “Swayambhu Stories” empowers individuals worldwide to connect with Nepal’s cultural heritage, fostering virtual exploration and understanding of this iconic monument from the comfort of their own location.