Ethics 1

Example 1: Social Media Algorithms Promoting Extremism

Many social media platforms have faced criticism for their algorithms that prioritize content based on user engagement. These algorithms sometimes amplify extremist content, conspiracy theories, and misinformation because they tend to generate more clicks and engagement. The unethical aspect of this situation lies in the design of these algorithms. They are engineered to maximize user engagement and ad revenue without considering the potential harm of spreading false information and radicalizing individuals. One specific example of social media algorithms promoting extremism and misinformation is the role of YouTube’s recommendation algorithm. While YouTube has made efforts to address this issue, it has faced criticism in the past for its algorithm’s role in amplifying extremist content and conspiracy theories. This is mostly a product behavior issue as it’s driven by the design goals of the software which are set by the platform’s business and product teams. However, engineers play a role in implementing and fine-tuning these algorithms.

Example 2: Data Mining and Privacy Invasion by Mobile Apps

Many mobile apps collect extensive user data without explicit consent or in ways that are not disclosed to users. This data may include location, contacts, and browsing habits, which can be used for targeted advertising or sold to third parties. One example of data mining and privacy invasion by mobile apps is the case of the popular social networking app, TikTok. TikTok has faced criticism for its data collection and privacy practices, particularly in the context of its younger user base. The unethical aspect of the situation is related to product behavior. App developers and companies prioritize data collection for profit, often without transparent consent processes which potentially can violate users’ privacy rights. Engineers can implement robust privacy protections but the primary ethical issue lies in the product decisions made by companies to maximize data collection and monetization.

Example 3: Facebook Emotional Manipulation Study

In 2014, Facebook conducted a study on over 600,000 users without their informed consent. The study manipulated users’ newsfeeds to observe the emotional impact of altering the content users were exposed to. The unethical aspect lies in the lack of informed consent and emotional manipulation of users. Facebook’s study raised concerns about user privacy, consent, and the potential psychological harm caused by manipulating users’ emotions without their knowledge. While engineers may have implemented the study, the primary ethical issue is related to the company’s product behavior, particularly its disregard for user consent and well-being.