

  • Kavya Subramanian – UI/UX Designer & Front-end Developer
  • Josh Myatt – Client Liaison & Product Manager
  • William Li – Backend Developer
  • Jijie (Joe) Zhou – Backend Developer


​​Respect each member, and do not interrupt when someone is talking.

  1. Meet at least once a week as a group to discuss our progress at 10AM on Monday, for around 1 hour.
  2. Each team member is expected to attend weekly group meeting, coach meeting, and bi-weekly client meeting. Communicate in advance when you can not make the meeting.
  3. Respond to the group chat and emails ASAP.
  4. Have a good coding practice
    • Must write documentations for code
    • Must cite the source if you borrow code
    • Make small commits and frequently review pull requests to avoid merge conflicts