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Photo Caption: Courtesy Laura Saavedra Forero and Jaleah Taylor  

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – Student Government Elections took place on Wednesday, February 14th. Jaleah Taylor was elected the next Student Body President.  

Before the election, the two Student Body Candidates shared more about themselves and what their priorities are.  

Laura Saavedra Forero says she’s not a typical candidate because she does not have any previous Student Government experience. But she says she is a typical Carolina student.  

“You’ll find me at every basketball game courtside. I was rushing Franklin and jumping the fire,” Saavedra Forero says. 

Jaleah Taylor says she loves the university but understands that it’s not perfect and that’s why she wants to help change it.  

“My mom went here. And so, I’ve always felt like the university invested in me so much,” Taylor says.  

Jaleah Taylor says she loves the university but understands that it’s not perfect and that’s why she wants to help change it.  

Both candidates have full policy plans for if elected to office. One of the priorities they share is food insecurity surrounding meal swipes. Both say they want to find a way to provide students who run out of swipes with extra swipes from students who have too many.  

One of Taylor’s other top priorities is being transparent with the student body. She says she feels like some students want to know more about what’s happening in UNC leadership. 

“There’s a lot of students that are really concerned with who our university leaders are, and they don’t really know the power that they have in the control of different entities. So, I think that comes with transparency,” Taylor says.  

Saavedra Forero says one of her top priorities is accessibility. But she doesn’t want people to think that just means physical accessibility.  

“Because I’m in a chair, people immediately go to the idea of physical infrastructure. And as important as elevators and ramps are, that’s not the whole picture of accessibility,” Saavedra Forero says.  

Both were vying for Student Governments highest office and wanted to share why voters should choose them.  

“We need somebody to go in there and challenge and provide the experience and not be afraid to speak the truth of the student body. And so, you know, that’s that’s who I am,” Saavedra Forero says.  

“I do want students to know that I have their best interests and when I take an oath of office, I take an oath to defend the general welfare of the student body,” Taylor says.  

Other offices on the ballot included Senior Class Officers, Carolina Athletics Association President, Residence Hall Association President, and Undergraduate Senate.  

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