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CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – As we return from the Thanksgiving break, the looming finals season serves as a swift reminder of the challenges ahead. With just a week left until the end of classes, exams kick off next Friday. Tar Heels are tackling studying in different ways.

“I make a schedule for myself like kind of I have, like what I have here, where I say, like, hey, I wanna study five hours today and break up like two hours for differential equations, two hours for physics,” said Sunita Agarwala, a junior UNC Student. “I make myself take breaks and stick to that schedule.“

Some students are also utilizing resources on campus for help with final papers.

“I tend to have more papers than exams,” said Hannah Rosenberger, Senior UNC Student. “English and Journalism will do that to you. So, I love to go to the writing center. I actually work there, but I love still going as a student to get some help thinking through my ideas and mapping out what I want my papers and products to look like.”

The Learning Center is also providing valuable resources for students. On their website, you’ll find tips and tricks for finals, such as labeling topics based on how well you know them, outlining content from memory, and developing active learning strategies. You can also schedule an appointment with one of their academic coaches.

“Fine-tuning, figuring out how they can better get through it and prepare for it that more specifically involves differences in their time management,” said John Gill, one of the academic coaches. “So, people are like, I don’t want to cram, I don’t wanna feel stressed out, I don’t wanna find myself on Saturday and Sunday right before my exam, like, for the first time just re-reading texts that I never read three months ago, you know what I mean… so it’s probably, uh, people are interested in setting up a more measured distributed, peppering in more studying on a longer-term basis.“

Make sure to utilize your resources and get to studying! So, good luck, Tar Heels!

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