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On Monday, Chapel Hill Transit held its second feedback session for the NSBRT, or the North South Bus Rapid Transit. The NSBRT is an express version of the existing NS route planned for 2029.

Monday’s session focused on station design. There are three potential station concepts on the table.

Chapel Hill Transit Development Director Matt Cecil said that community members want the station design to be safe and inviting, as well as incorporate technological elements, such as real time bus information.

“What we’re trying to do is pull a lot of feedback in right now to refine our three draft concepts a little bit and ultimately pull them down to one concept that we can then take back and show to folks and get their feedback on a final one,” he said.

Participants were able to rank each design on whether its appearance was safe and welcoming; if it provides shelter from the elements; and if the designs reflect the character of Chapel Hill Transit and the Town.

Participants were also able to pick out characteristics they liked from each separate design, as elements from each concept can be blended together in the final design.
Interested parties who did not get the opportunity to attend the feedback session can provide their thoughts via survey at this link. The survey will be open until this Friday.

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