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CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – Fire safety is a top priority for some on campus, and they’re spreading the message by letting students put out fires in the Pit.

“We’re just out here trying to make people more comfortable with the use of a fire extinguisher so they will be ready, willing and able to use one in a real emergency,” said Harrison Martin, who works at the Department of Safety.

Not only was he teaching students how to use a fire extinguisher, he was also hoping they’ll download the Carolina Safety app.

At the demonstration, they gave away safety kits and t-shirts in exchange for a download of the app.

“It’s great, it’s always good trying to see people, you know, actually willing to learn about things that are important for their health and wellbeing and for the safety of the campus,” Martin said.

Justin Miller is the management coordinator for the UNC Office of Emergency. He said the skills that Carolina Ready teaches can help in a variety of situations by proving emergency contact information and take action guides. 

“If you know how to evacuate your building, the fire alarms are going off, if you know what to do there. If you know how to shelter in place, tornado warnings, and if you know how to secure in place that can get you through the majority of the emergencies that can happen,” Miller said.

 According to the 2023 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, there have been twelve campus housing fires since 2020. And out of those twelve, ten of them were stovetop fires. Sierra Flynn-Nesbeth, a student who lives in a dorm, said while she has not caused a fire, she has set off a couple of alarms in her dorm.

“Sometimes when I cook in my little dorm kitchen, I set of the fire alarm so, you know, a lot of scares,” Flynn-Nesbeth said.

If students were unable to attend the event, the safety team said you could download their app on the app store or visit their website at

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