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Washington D.C. – President Joe Biden announced Tuesday he will be seeking re-election. He is the third democrat to announce a 2024 run.

The announcement came on the 4 year anniversary of his announcement for his 2020 bid, which led to his election as the 46th President of the U.S.

During his announcement, Biden said, “Around the country, MAGA extremists are lining up to take on those bedrock freedoms.” He goes on to list those at-steak ‘bedrock freedoms’ as being social security, access to abortion, banning books, LGBTQ issues, and the ability to vote.

Biden says he hopes to continue his current agenda to ‘finish the job’.

In his current term, Biden has often touted his commitment to rebuilding the economy, post COVID. According to the White House website, the Biden-Harris administration has created more than 11 million jobs, with the national unemployment rate sitting at 3.5%, which the administration has touted as being ‘historically low’.

The Biden administration also passed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill in 2021. This legislation invests in rebuilding roads and railways, while expanding access to clean drinking water and high speed internet, while also taking on climate issues.

The announcement comes on the heels of many in the democratic party raising concerns with Biden’s ability to serve another term.

An NBC News poll released this month cites 70% of respondents do not think Biden should seek another term, 51% of whom identify as being a democrat.

The same poll showed that 54% of respondents responded they disapprove when asked how they feel Biden is doing as president.

Biden is joins two other democrats and four republicans, including former president Donald Trump, who are all seeking the presidency in 2024.

Voters around the country say they don’t want to see another match-up between Biden and Trump, while many political commentators say Biden needs this rematch in order to keep the White House.

Biden and Harris won in 2020 with 51% of the vote. The race for the White House in 2024 will be the first presidential election since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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