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The bill is also known as the anti-critical race theory bill.

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — House Bill 187 is similar to ones introduced in other states like Florida. It would prevent public school teachers from teaching about race and gender in certain contexts.  

For example, public schools could not promote concepts that “an individual, solely by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist or oppressive”. 

Jeff Tiberii, a reporter at WUNC who covers politics, says that the new rules will be hard to enforce.  

“Are we going to see District attorneys or sheriffs going after teachers?,” Tiberii says. “Is it going to be parents who are reporting teachers? Is it going to lead to more teachers quitting? And again, I go back to, is there really a problem here or is this potentially going to create some bigger issues and problems for public school systems.” 

Governor Cooper vetoed a similar bill in 2021.  

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