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CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — Earlier this month, the Chapel Hill Town Council unanimously adopted a resolution in opposition of two bills in the General Assembly that target LGBTQ youth.  

One of the bills is Senate Bill 49, known as the Parent Bill of Rights. The bill restricts instruction on LGBTQ topics and gives parents more access to school curriculums.  

The second bill, House Bill 43, would ban gender-affirming care and drugs like puberty blockers and hormones. The bill has not yet gone through any committee hearings.  

Chapel Hill mayor Pam Hemminger says the resolution advocates for all people in the community. 

“We want to make sure that we do always speak up and stand up and support the values of individuals to be who they are, and like I said, not to be called out or punished in any way for being who they are,” Hemminger says.  

The Chapel Hill Town Council is not alone in their opposition. The Carrboro Town Council and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools both released statements opposing the bills last month.  

Governor Cooper is expected to veto either of the bills if they reach his desk.

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