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CHAPEL HILL, NC — Aimee Wall has been named the new dean for the School of Government. The current senior associate dean will be taking over the position from outgoing dean Mike Smith.  

“The public officials and students we serve are intensely committed to leading and working in their communities. It’s inspirational, and I look forward to learning how we — the faculty and staff at the school — can respond to the needs and goals of this state and beyond,” Wall said.  

In a campus wide statement Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz said, “Wall’s passion for connecting people and commitment to collaboration will help the school continue its longstanding mission of serving public officials and public administration students in North Carolina and beyond.” 

In her previous role as senior associate dean, Wall managed the school’s finances and strategic direction. She joined the school of government faculty in 2001.  

The decision comes as the School of Government enters its tenth decade on campus, “embracing critical values including neutrality, responsiveness and nonpartisanship.” Wall will begin her new duties on Monday.   

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