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CHAPEL HILL, N.C. –The Town of Chapel Hill has been approved $2 million in funds to improve the downtown streetscapes. The funding will more likely go towards those that typically go unnoticed.  

“The light poles at the corner of Franklin and Columbia Street are still wooden and being held up by guide wires, which kinda restrict pedestrian movement on those corners,” said Chapel Hill Mayor Pam Hemminger. 

The busiest streets like Franklin, Columbia and Rosemary street will be the focus of the innovations. Accessibility is also a priority and key to the project as well. “It is really important that everyone has an opportunity to get where they need to in a timely manner,” said Salysia Jimenez, a Human Development and Family Studies major. 

The improvements are all part of the enhancement plan–where the town leaders will find the best design for all. 

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